Research & Development
Principal Scientist, Head of Bioprocess Design - Ecovative
Mycelium Material & Mycofabrication R&D ≈ 13 years
As a Principal Scientist and Head of Bioprocess Design at Ecovative, my work since 2012 has focused on harnessing the complexity and adaptability of filamentous fungi for mycomaterial and mycofabrication innovations. I specialize in combining statistical learning, model-centric approaches, and the fundamentals of fungal biology to push the boundaries of material science. My contributions include designing novel solid-state bioreactor systems, developing custom analytical methods tailored to mycelium materials, and establishing adaptive biofoundry paradigms that accelerate the learning-to-scale pipeline through machine learning and AI-driven experimental methodologies.
Visual Arts
MFA The University at Albany
BFA The University of Iowa
Artist, teacher, and visiting artist/lecturer ≈ 15 years
As an Artist, my training and practice was developed in painting and combined media, with a focus on the interactive potentialities of painting, photographic, and sculptural languages. Since 2012 my practice has explored the cross-disciplinary value of the contemporary artist’s training in the post-medium world as one that leverages exploratory and autodidactic process, with practical application in the field of mycomaterials and mycofabrication.